The community is invited to celebrate our students' creativity at Martha Franks Historic Villa. The retirement community is proud to display students' artwork honoring the facility's 40 years in Laurens.
25 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Laurens County School District 55 Building a 5-Star Culture of Excellence in the Arts. Student Art Display at Martha Franks Historic Villa Celebrating the Retirement Community's 40th Year in Laurens . Free Admission, Open for Public Viewing, Sunday, February 23, 2025, 2-4 PM and Monday, February 24, 2025, 4-6 PM
We are very proud of our Gray Court-Owings School 7th-grade students, Sabrina and James for winning the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Patriot's Pen Youth Essay Contest. A shoutout to their English Language Arts teacher, Carla McDaniel, Ed. S for her support and encouragement. Each year, nearly 68,800 students in sixth through eighth grades enter the contest for a chance to win their share of nearly $1 million in state and national awards. The essay contest encourages young minds to examine America’s history, along with their own experiences in modern American society, by drafting a 300- to 400-word essay, expressing their views based on a patriotic theme chosen by the VFW Commander-in-Chief. Sabrina and James will be recognized at the 2025 VFW Awards Banquet on February 22, 2025. The 2024-2025 theme is My Voice in America's Democracy? Read the students' winning essays:
26 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Congratulations! 2024-2025 Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 6734 Patriot's Pen Essay Contest Winners. Second Place -  Sabrina H., Gray Court-Owings School 7th Grader, Thurd Place - James S., Gray Court-Owings School 7th Grader, English Language Arts Teacher - Carla Mcdaniel, Ed. S
We are so proud of Mr. Hunter Norris! Mr. Norris teaches 7th Grade Social Studies at Gray Court-Owings School. As a teacher, Mr. Norris models and teaches good citizenship and community involvement, uses innovative teaching methods and resources, develops resources to teach citizenship education, and he is passionate about teaching citizenship education.
27 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Congratulations! Hunter Norris, 2024-2025 Smart/Maher Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Citizenship Education Teacher Award, Post 6734 First Place Winner, Middle School Category
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you to our School Resource Officer at Gray Court - Owings School, Marty Craine for keeping our staff and students safe.
27 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5 Star Culture of Excellence in School Safety National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day Marty Craine Gray Court Owings School Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you to our School Resource Officer at Laurens High School, Brain Teal for keeping our staff and students safe.
27 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5 Star Culture of Excellence in School Safety National School Resource Officer Day Brian Teal Laurens District 55 High School
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you to our School Resource Officer at Laurens High School, Benjamin Anthony for keeping our staff and students safe.
27 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5 Star Star Culture of Excellence in School Safety National School Resource Officer Day Benjamin Anthony Laurens High School Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe
Laurens County School District 55 will observe President's Day on Monday, February 17, 2025. This will be a Student Holiday and a Professional Day/Work Day for Staff.
27 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5-Star Culture of Excellence No School February 17,2025 Happy Presidents Day February 17th is student Holiday and a Professional Development Day work day for staff
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you to our School Resource Officer at Laurens Preparatory Academy School, Jimmy Sharpton for keeping our staff and students safe.
27 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5 Star Star Culture of Excellence in School Safety National School Resource Officer Day Jimmy Sharpton Laurens Preparatory Academy Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you to our School Resource Officer at Laurens Middle School, Gene Richards for keeping our staff and students safe.
28 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5 Star Culture of Excellence in School Safety National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day Gene Richards Laurens Middle School Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you to our School Resource Officer at Sanders Middle School, Huber Tomblinson for keeping our staff and students safe.
28 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5-Star Culture of Excellence in School Safety National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day Huber Tomblinson  Sanders Middle  School Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you to our School Resource Officer at Hickory Tavern School, Michael Thomas for keeping our staff and students safe.
28 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5-Star Culture of Excellence in School Safety National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day Michael Thomas Hickory Tavern School Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you to our School Resource Officer at Ford Elementary School, Brandi Williamson for keeping our staff and students safe.
28 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5-Star Culture of Excellence in School Safety National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day Brandi Williamson Ford Elementary Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you to our School Resource Officer at Waterloo Elementary School, Michael Creason for keeping our staff and students safe.
28 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5-Star Culture of Excellence in School Safety National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day Michael Creason  Waterloo Elementary Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you Ted Richardson, School Resource Officers at Laurens Elementary School, for keeping our staff and students safe.
28 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5-Star Culture of Excellence in School Safety National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day Ted Richardson Laurens Elementary Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you to our School Resource Officer at E.B. Morse Elementary School, Lewis Gambrell for keeping our staff and students safe.
28 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5-Star Culture of Excellence in School Safety National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day Lewis Gambrell EB Morse Elementary Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates South Carolina School Bus Driver Appreciation Week! Thank you to our Transportation Department for keeping our students safe.
30 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Building a 5-Star Culture of Excellence in Safety South Carolina Bus Driver Appreciation Week Laurens County School District 55  Thank you to our Transportation Department for keeping our students safe
Please join our Office of Special Education Services for a free seminar on February 25. Learn about Behavior Intervention Strategies from our District Behavior Coordinator/Consultant Dr. Tawio Barksdale and District Behavior Interventionist Ptia Patterson.
30 days ago, Laurens County School District 55
Laurens 55, Building a 5-Star Culture of Excellence in Special Education.  A Look Into  Behavioral Intervention Strategies. A free seminar for parents, guardians, and community members. February 25, 6-7PM, District Office
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Counseling Week. Today we celebrate Yoneko Allen, School Counselor at Laurens Preparatory Academy.
about 1 month ago, Laurens County School District 55
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Counseling Week. Today we celebrate Jessica Delaura, School Counselor at Waterloo Elementary School.
about 1 month ago, Laurens County School District 55
Laurens County School District 55 celebrates National School Counseling Week. Today we celebrate Chrysanthemum Hill, School Counselor at Laurens District 55 High School.
about 1 month ago, Laurens County School District 55