Please support the Arts Programs at Laurens District 55 High School. Watch Night of the Arts on December 17th.

Please mark your calendar for our Laurens 55 Fall Art Show Open House. Students, parents, guardians, and community members are welcome!

We are excited to see our students back tomorrow.

Have a safe and restful break. Our students will return to school on Monday, December 2, 2024

We are thankful for our community and community partners!
English Press Release: https://bit.ly/L55Partnerships
Spanish Press Release: https://bit.ly/SpanishL55Partnerships

We are very excited to showcase our students' works of art at the Laurens County Museum. Thank you Laurens County Museum for giving our students the opportunity to share their work with our community members!

Thank you, Laurens 55 Career Development Facilitators (CDF) and GEAR UP Team!
Watch WSPA 7 Julia Keener's interview with Leigh Ann Simpson, GEAR UP College Support Specialist and Cosmas Dickey, Sanders Middle School CDF. https://bit.ly/CareerDevelopmentFacilitators

Thank you so much to all Laurens County School District 55 substitutes and thank you ESS for helping us fill our substitutes!

November is Career Development Appreciation Month. Laurens County School District 55 spotlight Leigh Ann Simpson, Gear Up Facilitator for Laurens School District 55. Thank you Ms. Simpson for all you do for our students. https://bit.ly/CareerDevelopmentAppreciationMonth

This week is American Education Week. Our families are our partners in education. We appreciate our Laurens 55 families for being part of our events and for supporting our schools and students.

November is Career Development Appreciation Month. Laurens County School District 55 spotlight Anna Kate Taylor, Career Development Facilitator at Hickory Tavern School. Thank you Mrs. Taylor for all you do for our students. https://bit.ly/CareerDevelopmentAppreciationMonth

November is Career Development Appreciation Month. Laurens County School District 55 spotlight Jennifer Hunter, Career Development Facilitator at Laurens High School. Thank you Mrs. Hunter for all you do for our students. https://bit.ly/CareerDevelopmentAppreciationMonth

Congratulations to the Laurens District 55 High School Raider Competition Cheer Team. They will head to the Region 1 AAAA State Championship on Saturday, November 23, 2024 at the Colonial Life Center in Columbia SC. Mat time is 3:40 pm. Good Luck and Let's Go Raiders!

November is Career Development Appreciation Month. Laurens County School District 55 spotlight David Driggers, Career Development Facilitator at Gray Court - Owings School. Thank you Mr. Driggers for all you do for our students. https://bit.ly/CareerDevelopmentAppreciationMonth

November is Career Development Appreciation Month. Laurens County School District 55 spotlight Cosmas Dickey, Career Development Facilitator for Sanders Middle School. Thank you Mr. Dickey for all you do for our students. https://bit.ly/CareerDevelopmentAppreciationMonth

November is Career Development Appreciation Month. Laurens County School District 55 spotlight Jordan Greene, Gear Up Facilitator for Laurens School District 55. Thank you Ms. Greene for all you do for our students.

We are so happy to share the great news that seven of our schools have been awarded Arts Grant Project Funds by the South Carolina Department of Education. Shoutout to our District Arts Coordinator Cindy Wright, District Grant Writer Ginny Cartee, M.Ed., and teachers for finding ways to make the LCSD 55 Music & Arts Programs excellent.
Accessible English Press Release: https://bit.ly/LCSD55ArtsGrant
Accessible Spanish Press Release: https://bit.ly/SpanishLCSD55ArtsGrant

November is Career Development Appreciation Month. Laurens County School District 55 spotlight Shakera Tribble, Career Development Facilitator at Laurens High School. Thank you Ms. Tribble for all you do for our students. https://bit.ly/CareerDevelopmentAppreciationMonth

November is Career Development Appreciation Month. Laurens County School District 55 spotlight's Georgianna Martin, Career Development Facilitator at Laurens Middle School. Than k you Mrs. Martin for all you do for our students.

Thank you to all our students, school administrators, teachers, and staff members for celebrating the Veterans of Laurens Community!