We cheer on our LDHS Seniors, LDHS Administrators, and LDHS Staff for a successful Raider Signing Day on May 5, 2023!

We LOVE our School Nurses!

Join our district as we celebrate and give appreciation to all our teachers. THANK YOU Laurens 55 educators!

A very BIG THANKS to our School Nutrition Professionals!

THANK YOU to all our amazing Physical Education and Health teachers!

The School Board for Laurens County School District 55 will conduct a virtual board meeting at 12 pm EST today, May 3rd, 2023. Livestream video can be accessed on the District's Facebook page and YouTube channel. Thank you!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl-ZfPcVZrs

Superintendent Dr. Ameca C. Thomas had a delightful visit at Waterloo Elementary School today in celebration of Children's Book Week. Dr. Thomas read aloud in Mrs. Krystal McGrew's 3rd-grade class. Mrs. McGrew's students also wrote a class book and shared their stories.

We LOVE our Laurens55 Principals! We celebrate you for making our students Champions!

We appreciate and love our Laurens 55 administrative professionals.

Congratulations to LDHS NJROTC for a successful Annual Military Inspection!

Congratulations to Mason Gibbs and Isaac Adams for being selected to participate in the 2023 STEM Signing Day!
Also, best of luck to both Mason (Team Captain) and Isaac (Robot Driver/Operator) at the FIRST World Championship in Texas.

Join the Parent Virtual Academy today, Wednesday, April 19, 2023, at 5:30 PM.

We love our Laurens 55 volunteers! Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week!

Laurens 55 is so proud of First Robotics Competition Team 4451, Robotz Garage! Best of luck at the World Championship in Houston, Texas!

We encourage Laurens 55 parents and guardians to join our Family Mental Health Night with ParentGuidance.org.
Supporting Your Child's Mental Health - April 13 at 7:00 pm
PDF Flyer: https://bit.ly/3ZFEwdO
Register now at https://cookcenter.info/LaurensCoApril13

Welcome back from Spring Break! We are excited to share with Laurens 55 parents/guardians courses offered by ParentGuidance.org. Join the course "How Digital Media is Changing Our Children's Mental Health." http://bit.ly/400sE6f

April 5th is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day! Thank you, Laurens 55 paraprofessionals, for supporting our educators!

April 4th is School Librarian Appreciation Day. A big thanks to our amazing school librarians. Laurens 55 loves you!

Happy National Assistant Principal Week to our Laurens 55 Assistant Principals! We love you!

Spring Break is from April 3-7, 2023. All schools and offices will be closed.