Please click the links below to view the Special Called Board Meeting for January 4th, 2024.

LCSD 55 is excited to welcome back students tomorrow, January 4, 2024.

A gentle reminder that today is a half-day for students. Enjoy the winter holidays ahead!

We celebrate our educators for obtaining/renewing their National Board Certification!

Congratulations Mrs. Wiggins!

Hooray, Laurens County Literacy Association, 2023 Distinguished Literacy School Winners: Mrs. Johnson-EBM, Mrs. McKelvey-FES, Ms. Phillips & Mrs. N. Nanci Weeks-GCO, Mrs. Bryant & Mrs. Patton-HTS, Mrs. Wiggins-LES, Mrs. Corley-LMS, Mrs. Cook-LDHS, Mrs. Kittrick-WES, Ms. Drew-SMS

We are proud to recognize Kendra Ladd as Spirit of 55 October 2023 Support Staff.

We celebrate Jennifer Crimmins as the October 2023 Spirit of 55 Certified Staff!

A big hand to our Spirit of 55 September 2023 Certified Staff, Dr. Kristi Tucker!

Congratulations to Sissy Meadows for being named the Spirit of 55 September 2023 Support Staff!

Thank you FSI Office for honoring the memory of Daniel Edward Quattlebaum! Your donation is greatly appreciated!

Thank you GCO for bringing epilepsy awareness to your school and community and for your donation to the South Carolina Advocates for Epilepsy (SAFE).

Please join us tonight for Virtual Parent Academy. You can register until before the event starts at 6 p.m. Let's find out together how we can address substance use and vaping. Register at http://cookcenter.info/Dec7Laurens

The Laurens District 55 High School 2023-2024 Chick-fil-A Leader Academy visited the Laurens 55 District Office on December 5, 2023, and learned about leadership and the qualities of a great leader. We are proud of our students for their desire to grow as leaders and help others!

Thank you to all the parents and community members who supported the 2023 Winter Art Show, yesterday, December 4, 2023. Congratulations to our Laurens 55 students on their beautiful works of art! The students' artworks are on display at the district office.

Congratulations to our LDHS Digital Art and Design students and to their teacher, Candice Iusti. Read more about the winners in our November 20, 2023 Issue of A Message from Your Superintendent. https://midd.me/0Ecb

Have a restful and safe Thanksgiving Break!

Gentle Reminder: LCSD 55 will send out interim reports on Monday, November 20, 2023.

Join our Edward Jones Financial Fitness Seminar and learn how to prepare your finances to send your child to college. PDF Flyer: https://bit.ly/40FFuZt